Project Security Management

About the course

This course aims to give practical guidance in order to implement security management that allows effective operations at project level. 

This course is in the FC Learning Path after the self-learning online course on Basics of Context Analysis. Therefore, before doing the course on security management, please ensure you have completed that other course.  

This course on Security Management should also be done before the blended courses for Field Coordinators, Advanced Humanitarian Negotiations and Scenario Building for Security Management 

This training is based in the module of Security Management in the OCBA Operations Manual. 

Target audience 

This course is directed at all MSF OCBA Field Coordinators and all staff that is on the way to get validated as FieldCo. However, other staff could also access it.  


This course is developed and validated by OCBA. 



Learning objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • do Risk Analysis together with the project team 
  • translate the Risk Analysis into Acceptance actions, SOPs and CPs 
  • have key concepts to manage and analyze  incidents 
  • ensure that Security Plan is not the end of the security management, as implementation and permanent analysis and decision-making is essential 

List of contents

  • Module 1. Introduction to security management 
  • Module 2. Risk assessment 
  • Module 3. Risk reduction I: Acceptance 
  • Module 4. Risk reduction II: SOPs and CPs 
  • Module 5. Incident management 
  • Module 6. Field security plan 


This course combines asynchronous activities, using videos, texts and infographics. Most of these materials can be downloadable for study and use offline. 

Evaluation and certification 

Participants completing the asynchronous activities will receive a badge. 

The course certificate is only available for OCBA FieldCos. To achieve it, they need to successfully complete all the modules’ assignments (five in total) and participate in at least one of the monthly webinars.  

To know the criteria to pass the assignments, consult their evaluation rubrics. 


This course will be proposed to current and future OCBA Field Coordinators. Other staff needing access should contact Montserrat Bartuí: 

Release and update  

The course was launched in June 2023. However it will be continuously improved. 

Technical considerations 

The course is best completed on a computer, laptop or tablet. However, this can also be possible on a mobile phone if the screen size is large enough.