Logistics e-briefing

About the Course

The OCG logistics e-briefing is a mandatory, self paced e-learning course that aims to prepare logisticians new to MSF for their first position. Learners will get to know the basics of all logistics technical families, including the risks and benefits associated as well as their responsibilities.

Target Audience

All LOG staff level 6 and up before first position (internationally mobile staff) or at the start of their first position (locally hired staff) 


8 hours

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this e-briefing, learners will be able to:

  • Provide an overview of the technical families in MSF logistics, understanding their purpose and significance.
  • Identify the primary risks associated with each family.
  • Outline the logistics activities within each family.
  • Recognize strategies for mitigating risks through logistical activities.
  • Identify the key responsibilities of their position and acknowledge its limitations.
  • Understand the roles of other team members and their interactions.
  • Utilize available resources to effectively implement the LOG Basics.

List of Contents

1. Introduction to Logistics

2. Cold Chain

3. Biomed

4. Fleet Management

5. Energy


7. Construction & Shelter

8. Radio & Telecom

9. IT

10. Asset Management

11. Security

12. Fire Safety

13. Supply

14. GIS


Learners will work through the modules at their own pace, covering necessary theoretical concepts, risks and benefits, and the logitician's role. Content will be presented in text, image and video format.

At the end of each module, learners engage in scenarios mirroring real-life situations they may encounter in their roles. These practical exercises provide them with an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills they've acquired, effectively preparing them to navigate the challenges inherent in their role as an MSF logistician.


To pass this course, learners will have to complete all the modules including the integrated knowledge checks and scenarios.


After successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate and a digital badge awarded by MSF OCG.