Tembo Resources
Welcome to the Tembo Resources’ page, where you will find various communication materials used and designed to support learning journey in various projects.
Table of Content
Tembo support and communication materials in English
Tembo support and communication materials in French
Tembo support and communication materials in Spanish
Tembo support and communication materials in Arabic
Tembo latest catalogue
Tembo support and communication materials
You will find here various materials used and designed to support your learning journey
How to use the Tembo application?
Poster Tembo
Communities of Practice guide
How to use Tembo?
Online learning tips
Tembo latest catalogue

Matériaux de soutien et de communication Tembo
Vous y trouverez plusieurs ressources utilisées et conçues pour soutenir votre séjour de formation.
Comment apprendre avec les applications Tembo?
Poster Francais
Guide Communauté de pratique
Un guide court pour apprendre avec Tembo
Conseils pour apprendre à distance
Material de apoyo y comunicación de Tembo
Aquí encontrarás diferentes recursos utilizados y diseñados para apoyar tu camino de aprendizaje.
Guia - Como usar las applicaciones Tembo
Poster Tembo
Guia Communidad de Práctica
Leaflet ¿Cómo puedo usar Tembo?
Los 5 Consejos para aprender online
مواد الدعم والتواصل في تمبو
ستجد هنا العديد من مواد الاتصال والدعم المصممة لدعمك خلال رحلتك التعليمية.
How to use Tembo application? AR
Arabic - Poster Tembo
Arabic leaflet - How to use Tembo?
Arabic - learning tips
Last modified: Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 8:17 AM