Enrolment options

Advanced Humanitarian Negotiation

About the Course

Advanced Humanitarian Negotiation goes through key aspects of Humanitarian Negotiation for MSF’s Humanitarian Coordinators.

This self-study course provides content through two animated characters, who explain the elements needed to enhance the competences and skills related to preparing, planning, conducting, and monitoring humanitarian negotiations through videos, conceptual representations, real-life testimonies, and explanatory graphics.

Although we recommend that the course be taken sequentially, each video is a stand-alone capsule that can be consulted depending on the topic, so you can access the modules in any order and adapting it to your availability.  Completing the training in full should take around 15 hours but including enough time for reflection and reading complementary materials. The videos and quizzes part should take you around 8 hours.

This course is part of a wider package of learning solutions to increase Negotiation competences that includes complementary face to face workshops.


The primary audience of Advanced Humanitarian Negotiation are Humanitarian coordinators in relevant roles of negotiation, be it Project Coordinators or Heads of Missions, Medical Team Leaders or Medical Coordinators, Advisors to the coordinators, Logistic team leaders and other relevant coordination positions in Missions and HQs.


This course should take a maximum of 15 hours including time for reflection and reading complementary materials. 

Although we recommend that the course be taken sequentially, you can access the modules in any order and adapt it to your availability.  Completing the training in full should take around 15 hours including enough time for reflection and reading complementary materials. The videos and quizzes should take you around 8 hours.

Learning Objectives

Module/Course Main Goal(s):

  • To analyze negotiation environments;
  • To map relevant actors and their influences
  • To assess the position, interests, and motives of all parties (to understand each stakeholder)
  • To define Negotiation strategies and tactics including definition of redlines
  • To prepare the teams for humanitarian negotiations
  • To lead solid transactional phases of the negotiation
  • To prepare oneself for Critical situations
  • To ensure post-negotiation steps are continued

List of Contents

  • Module 1: Context Analysis focused on Actor Mapping and Stakeholder Analysis
  • Module 2: Defining Strategy & Tactical Plan & preparing MSF teams
  • Module 3: Leading the Engagement and Transaction
  • Module 4: Implementing the Agreement with focus on continued engagement for compliance and Monitoring and internal steps.


This self-learning course will last about 15 hours, which includes watching videos explaining the content through two characters, as well as videos of real testimonials, taking self-assessment tests, and consulting the material documents for each module. Each video is a stand-alone capsule that can be consulted depending on the topic that needs to be addressed. 


In order to pass this course, participants will have to watch all the videos in each module and complete all the quizzes.                                                             



After successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate and a digital badge awarded by MSF.


Self-enrolment. You can register yourself by clicking on the "Enrol me" button.


The course was launched on March 17, 2023.

We inform you that this is the first version of the Advanced Negotiation Course. We are already working to improve it by integrating some additional elements of content, and, above all, by expanding the learning experience with more immersive solutions. We will update you when is ready, and once these improvements are done, you will be able to retake the modules that have been changed if you wish to do so. It will not be mandatory, but optional.


This course is developed and validated by OCA, OCB, OCG, and OCBA.


The course is best completed on a computer, laptop or tablet. However, this can also be possible on a mobile if the screen size is large enough.


Self enrolment (Learner)