SAMU HIV/TB (English)

About the course

SAMU HIV/TB (English) consists of four different interactive learning modules, detailed above. As the course offers no hands-on exposure to actual patients it must be understood that, on completion, the participant is unlikely to be equipped immediately to consult independently in an HIV/TB clinic. 

The ideal learning process to accompany this course is therefore to have facilitated discussions with clinicians with HIV/TB consulting experience while doing the e-learning course and then to have some form of supervision for the first month or so of actual consulting in a clinic. A

We continue to develop this e-learning course as we try and optimize the meeting of the needs of our target group so the information that you give us in the feedback documents at the end of each module will be carefully studied and will contribute to achieving this.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course, learners should have a solid foundation for understanding the history and evolution of HIV, to the essentials for using ARVs (regimens, side-effects, and drug interactions), the principles of PMTCT and diagnosis and treatment of TB in HIV-infected patients. 

List of contents

Module 1 – HIV Overview

  •  Orientation
  •  HIV history and epidemiology 
  •  HIV natural evolution 

Module 2 – ART 

  • Introduction to ART 
  • Eligibility and choosing 1st line regimen. 
  • ART side-effects and their management
  • Monitoring the patient before and after starting ART
  • Managing the patient with a high viral load 
  • HIV-related drug interactions 

Module 3 - PMTCT

  •  Prevention of mother to child transmission
  •  HIV counselling and testing in PMTCT Consultation
  •  Providing ARVs to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers
  •  Care of the exposed baby 

Module 4 - TB

  • TB is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLHIV) 
  • Diagnosing TB in PLHIV
  • Improving TB diagnosis in your setting 
  • Reducing the burden of TB in PLHIV 
  • TB treatment 
  • Treatment challenges and monitoring treatment 
  • Diagnosis of DR TB
  • MDR TB treatment challenges and monitoring
  • Preventing TB infection and development of active TB
  • TB in children