Child Protection Minimum Standards
This external online course by the Inter-Agency Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action offers an introduction to child protection in humanitarian action with the Child Protection Minimum Standards as its core. Learners will deepen their understanding of how to apply child protection principles and standards in practice. The course is for anyone working with and for children and adolescents in humanitarian settings. Completion of the course ensures that participants have a common basic knowledge of the Principles and Standards that guide the work with children and families, and how they are applied in practise to prevent and response to abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect that girls and boys are facing in crisis settings. Completing the five modules required to obtain the course certificate takes between 4-5 hours. The course is available in English.

Target audience

The course is for anyone in MSF working with and for children and adolescents in humanitarian settings, towards promoting their health, safety and wellbeing.


Completing the five modules required to obtain the course certificate takes between 4-5 hours. However you can also take the modules individually, though the certificate will not be available unless all five modules are completed.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, participants should be able to explain what are the principles of working with children, adolescents and their caregivers in humanitarian situations. They will also be able to explain the seven main protection risks that children are facing in those situations, and what each sector, such as Health, Food Security and Camp Management, can do to mitigate those risks.

List of contents

  • Key principles set out by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and are applicable to all humanitarian action when working with and for children, such as Children’s Survival and Development, Non-Discrimination and Inclusion, Children’s Participation and The Best Interest of the Child.
  • Main child protection risks that children face in humanitarian situations such as Physical and Emotional Maltreatment, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Child Labour.
  • How the Group Activities for Children and Adolescents, Strengthening Family and Caregiving Environments and Community level approaches can contribute to the protection of children 
  • Cross sectorial work to mitigate the risks that children face in humanitarian contexts, such as with Health, Food Security, Camp Management and Education.


During this course learners will go through the key concepts and terms through multimedia materials (video, audio, text, animations), complete quizzes, and submit assignments.


After successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate awarded by the Inter-Agency Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Also, participants will obtain a badge when completing the final feedback survey.