Transformative Conversations Atelier_DEV

The Transformative Conversations Atelier is a virtual course comprised of six sessions designed to help you become more comfortable engaging in conversations about discrimination.

The overall objective of the atelier is for participants to build their skills in having sensitive, important, and sometimes difficult discussions with team members about inclusion. Each session helps participants to develop a toolbox of diverse skills and practices that will allow them to engage in these ‘transformative conversations’.


During the course participants will:

  • Explore different types of discrimination that can occur in our workplaces and practice holding inclusive conversations on those topics
  • Develop a toolbox of diverse skills and practices that will allow them to engage in these ‘transformative conversations’
  • Become better equipped at taking action when they see discriminatory situations happening in their projects


When enrollment is confirmed, participants will receive an enrollment key from the PMU by email. If you did not receive a key, please contact the PMU at:

If you are interested in taking this course and wish to enroll, please use this link to view the current training calendar and register for the next available cohort./p>


Locally Hired Staff, Internationally MobileStaff and HQ supervisors / activity managers (generally level 6–11 on IRFFG).