Palliative Care: Pain Assessment and Management

About the Course:

In this module of the Palliative Care course, you will focus on pain assessment and management, which are essential for reducing suffering and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses.

Accurately assessing pain is fundamental for effective pain management. Pain assessment scales will be introduced to help you quantify the severity of pain for patients of all ages. You will learn about non-pharmacological interventions for pain management and the WHO analgesic ladder.

You will also learn about morphine, a key medication for pain relief and palliative care, as well as other medications that work as analgesics for some types of pain, expanding your toolkit for providing individualized pain relief for your patients.

Duration of Course:

2 hours

Target Audience:

This course is aimed at all healthcare workers who are involved in providing palliative care, and is particularly relevant for nurses, doctors and clinical officers.


Self-learning online course with activities.


Participants will receive a badge on completion.

IT Device - Applications:

The course is best completed on a computer, laptop, or tablet. However, it should also be possible on a mobile if the screen size is large enough.

N.B. Hyperlinks or links to websites are not available if you have downloaded the course and are completing it offline. You will need to have internet access to view them.

