Palliative Care: Care of the Dying Patient

About the Course:

The Palliative Care Essentials course’s overall objective is to improve your understanding and knowledge on palliative care by providing you with the tools to care for patients with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses, along with their families. 

It is composed of 9 independent and complementary modules which include:

  • Introduction to Palliative Care
  • Pain Assessment and Management
  • Management of Symptoms Other than Pain
  • Communication Skills for Palliative Care
  • Psychological, Social, & Spiritual Support
  • Care of the Dying Patient 
  • Children, Specific Conditions, and Emergency Response 
  • Programming & Implementation 
  • Cases and Learner Assessment

In this module, you will focus on providing care during the last days of life. 

At the end of life, Palliative Care aims to relieve the patient’s suffering and maintain comfort and dignity.  

Identifying patients who are in the end-of-life phase is an important skill for healthcare workers as it provides the opportunity for teams to prioritize their efforts and provide quality end-of-life care. This is possible even in some of the challenging contexts where MSF works.   

This module will guide you through the various challenges involved in caring for patients and the end of life, including symptom relief and supporting families in making difficult decisions about care. 

Duration of Course:  

1 hour 

Target Audience: 

This course is aimed at all healthcare workers involved in providing palliative care, and is particularly relevant for nurses, doctors, clinical officers, community workers and health promoters providing palliative care follow up in the community.  


Self-learning online course with activities.  


Participants will receive a badge on completion. 

IT Device - Applications: 

The course is best completed on a computer, laptop, or tablet. However, it should also be possible on a mobile if the screen size is large enough.  

N.B. Hyperlinks or links to websites are not available if you have downloaded the course and are completing it offline. You will need to have internet access to view them.  

