Adaptive people management

About the Course

This self-paced e-learning module ‘adaptive people management’ has been developed by MSF-Germany and is open to all staff who are interested to understand and develop their people management skills. The adaptive people management model is a management tool and shows ways to adapt management behaviour according to staff member’s needs.

The module is available in English (and will be developed in German in the future) for all people managers at MSF-Germany as part of the ‘management curriculum’.

This e-learning has been developed in a participative manner, including stakeholder interviews with staff at all levels to assess needs and to provide practical examples to illustrate the model.

Target audience

This course is mandatory for all people managers at MSF-Germany. It is highly recommended and accessible to others, especially those aspiring to become manager in the future.


This is a self-paced e-learning that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.


During this course learners will receive insights into the adaptive people management model, need to analyse real management scenarios and choose the most appropriate behaviour based on the specific situation.

The course is a combination of multimedia materials, designed in an interactive way.


The learner has to pass specific quizzes before proceeding to the next section.


At the end, the learner will receive a digital badge once the course has been successfully completed.


Open to all

Technical considerations

The course is best completed on a computer, laptop or tablet. However, it can also be possible on a mobile if the screen size is large enough.

Learning Objectives

  • Become aware of your preferred people management style 
  • Understand the advantages of each people management style 
  • Appreciate what can prevent you from adapting your style 
  • Recognize the impact of not adapting your people management style 
  • Practice adopting different people management styles according to the situation and the development level of your team members 
  • Provide you with additional resources to skills suitable for each people management style

List of Contents

  • The adaptive people management model 
  • Self-assessment to reflect on own management style 
  • Practical description of the model and case studies 
  • List of additional, related learning resources