MSF-OCA Code of Conduct e-learning

About the course

Welcome to the MSF-OCA Code of Conduct e-learning. All staff who work with OCA are required to take this course. It will support them to uphold the MSF-OCA Code of Conduct. It has been developed by the OCA Responsible Behaviour Unit.


This course is open for all MSF staff. Click on enrol to start the course.


No certification. Upon completion of the course, a badge is obtained that recognises successful completion.

Target audience

OCA Staff


1 hour

Learning objectives

By the end of this module you will know: why OCA has a Code of Conduct; what behaviours constitute misconduct; how you can help to prevent misconduct; and how and where to report (experienced or witnessed) misconduct.

List of contents

  • Why does OCA have a Code of Conduct?
  • What can YOU do about responsible behaviour in OCA?
  • Recognising misconduct
  • Reporting channels
  • The impact of misconduct
  • MSF’s complaint management principles