Mobile Device Management

About the course

Mobile Device Management aims at introducing to OCB Field ICT officers the tools used in MSF OCB for mobile device management. In particular it will focus on the current policies for smartphones and other devices, and on the procedures to enrol smartphones (or other devices) in Intune and to activate the Multi-Factor Authentication for users. 

Target audience

This course is only for OCB ICT Officers and Logs in charge of IT and it is part of their onboarding. 

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, trainees will be able to: 

  • Identify compatibility issues (Intune) 
  • Enrol phones and provide workspace access (Intune) 
  • Identify the issues related to personal device (compatibility, personal use) and provide support if needed (same as first?) 
  • Identify the needed setup of the phone to be security compliant and to allow the conditional access (MFA) 
  • Response to users’ questions and requests about issues after enrolment, MFA or conditional access deployment and inform them in advance if needed 
  • Inform the users about how to manage contacts between personal and professional space 
  • Explain the concept of MFA and how it works (to end users) 
  • Implement MFA (procedure) 
  • Troubleshoot MFA issues 
  • Reset MFA 

List of contents

Introduction to smartphone policy and to BYOD policy 

Mobile Device Management: Intune 

  • What Intune is and its benefits 
  • Smartphones specifications 
  • Compliance issue MDM 
  • How to enrol a device in Intune 
  • How to wipe a device 
  • Perform basic troubleshooting 
  • Brief the users 

Conditional access: Multi-Factor Authentication 

  • How to install Authy 
  • How it works 
  • Basic troubleshooting 


Upon completion, participants will be awarded a badge and a certificate.



Enrolment key is required. Participants (identified by OCB) are contacted individually and sent an enrolment key by OCB's course coordinator. 

Please contact if you have any questions.

Release and update

Released: August 2022

OC Validation

This course is validated by OCB.