MSF Applications

About the course

MSF Applications aims at providing participants with an overview on the main MSF applications and on the technical support needed for them.

In particular the course will focus on UniField and eHealth, in order to prepare Field ICT Officers on the tasks and procedures needed to install, update, and troubleshoot these applications.

Target audience

MSF Applications is only for OCB ICT Officers and Logs in charge of IT.

Learning objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify roles and responsibilities related to the main MSF applications
  • Explain the installation, configuration and maintenance processes for the applications, the servers or other tools used
  • Identify the possible issues and/or address the troubleshooting request to the relevant people

List of contents

Presentation of the main MSF applications: purpose, owner, support process 

Focus UniField: 

  • Introduction  
  • Preparation of machine and installation procedure 
  • Back-up: configuration and monitoring 
  • Main troubleshooting issues 
  • Maintenance of the machines 
  • Updates of the operating system and the UniField Patch 

Focus on eHealth 

  • What is eHealth and what is the ICT unit role 
  • Troubleshooting issues: Nestor, Firewall, application 
  • Escalation procedure and communication 


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be awarded a badge and a certificate.


Enrolment key is required. Participants (identified by OCB) are contacted individually and sent an enrolment key by OCB's course coordinator. 

Please contact if you have any questions.

Release and update

Released: August 2022

Update: March 2024

OC Validation

This course is validated by OCB.