FMHA Course Unit 8: Defining the staff health policy and coordinating its implementation

About the Course

This is the course unit 8 of the Fellowship in Medical Humanitarian Action: Defining the staff health policy and coordinating its implementation. In this course unit, you will develop your competencies and skills in defining Staff Health policies and coordinating the implementation of Staff Health activities.


Note: this is only compulsory information for courses that are manual enrolment or require enrolment key, in which case it should be clear to the user exactly who to contact. You will be enrolled to this course after being selected for the Fellowship in Medical Humanitarian Action. The selection is done once per year and communicated through the pool managers, development advisors and HRcos.



Target Audience

This course unit is available to all the participants to the Fellowship course of Medical Humanitarian Action.


Max 70h

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course unit, you will be able to:

  • Conduct a context analysis, assessing the health risk status and healthcare provision capacities for staff.
  • Develop Staff Health policies by adapting organizational policies to the health context
  • Design an adequate Staff Health communication strategy
  • Implement Staff Health preventive measures, appropriate to the context and according to the organizational policies.
  • Coordinate an efficient Staff Health case management.

List of Contents

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Context analysis

Module 3: Definition of Staff Health policies

Module 4: Implementation of the Staff Health preventive measures

Module 5: Coordination of Staff Health case management

Module 6: Conclusion