Enrolment options

Welcome to MSF

About the Course

Welcome to MSF is a program that aims to improve the understanding and ownership of MSF's social mission, particularly for new employees. It is part of the initial stage of the onboarding path of all new staff.

The general objective is to give all MSF staff the essential information to facilitate their integration and commitment to the organization.

Target Audience:

All newly recruited staff, regardless of position, status, background or place of recruitment, as part of their on-boarding process.

Experienced staff are invited to do the Welcome to MSF to review some key elements of MSF.


Between 4to 5 hours, depending on own pace.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the program participants will be able to:

-Identify the key missions and events that have shaped the history of MSF

-Know MSF principles and understand how they serve as a guide to its actions.

-Understand MSF’s governance and functioning model as an association and movement.

-Understand why MSF intervenes, the 4 areas of interventions and activities in the field.

-Be aware of MSF funding strategy and sources.

-Know the way MSF is organized internally and the hierarchical and functional lines (organizational chart).

-Identify ways of contributing to creating a safe working free from abuse.

-Identify ways of dealing with stress effectively.

-Develop a higher-level of awareness and responsibility towards risk management.

-Identify the role and objectives of MSF's public communication.  

List of Contents

MSF charter and associative identity

MSF History

MSF Principles

Areas of intervention and humanitarian landscape

MSF funding

MSF association – MSF is what we make of it

MSF movement and organization

Responsible behaviours

Stress management

Risk management (Security)

Data protection



Self paced, combining basic interactions, readings, videos and self reflection.


Each module includes a short questionnaire to support understanding. 


Participants will receive a badge upon completion of all the modules of the program. 


Open self-enrollment. 

Self enrolment (Learner)