Enrolment options

Anatomy of a Scientific Paper: Reading and Using Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
About the course

In this 7-module course we hope to give you the skills and confidence to read a scientific research paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. If you do not have a background in research, this course will explain the different types of scientific research articles you may see, how to navigate a paper’s different sections (its “anatomy”) and will teach you key vocabulary that you will need to understand what you are reading. By the end of this training, you will have the skills to identify a paper's key messages, the study’s design, the researchers’ most important findings, and why they are important. If you are an experienced researcher, these modules may still provide helpful reminders as you organize your writing and prepare a new research manuscript. 

Target audience

This course is for any MSF employee at any level that hopes to gain a better understanding of scientific literature and research


This course will take approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete. This is a self paced course.

Learning objectives

  1. Learn how to read and understand the key messages of an article published in a medical or public health journal, regardless of topic or study design.
  2. Understand how scientific writing is different from other types of publications.
  3. Know what belongs in each section of a scientific paper.
  4. Learn key information such as common paper types, language styles, study designs, and vocabulary terms.
  5. Successfully read, understand, and identify key information from a published MSF paper (including its study design, results, and impact)
List of contents

In module 1 we start with an overview of scientific and medical publications, and then in modules 2-7 we examine the different sections of a scientific paper.


During this course learners will go through 7 interactive modules explaining the individual sections of a scientific paper and exercize their knowledge of scientific papers by completing quizzes, and reading examples. The course will use examples from actual MSF research papers on a variety of medical topics.


To pass this course learners will have to complete and submit a final exam and earn a grade of at least 80%. 


Self enrolment


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate and a digital badge awarded by MSF OCP.

Technical considerations

The course can be completed on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile. 

Hyperlinks or links to websites are not available if you have downloaded the course and are completing it offline. You will need to have internet access to view them. All hyperlinks in this course are optional resources for additional learning and are not required to complete the course.

Self enrolment (Learner)