Enrolment options

Introduction to supply

About the Course

Each part is introduced by a Video – a testimony from the field about the topic you are going to go through.

Each module is done the same way – Introduction to the topic – A quest (either in your mission physical documents or in MSF knowledge platform – A challenge with questions and exercises)

Duration of the course

6 hours

General Objective

Participants will be able to integrate all supply chain processes according to the MSF Supply chain guideline, to support medical and logistics operations. 

Learning objectives

  • Explain the MSF Supply chain architecture and his role in this chain.
  • Define the concept of collaborative planning and to work with the relevant stakeholders for data collection, update of tools, validation of information to ensure the supply chain management.
  • Differentiate the 6  procurement steps and know how to run a purchase with adapted MSF standard tools according to MSF Procurement guidelines.
  • Organize Local and international transport and its follow up with appropriate tools in accordance with MSF Good Distribution Practice and national regulations.
  • Identify customs actors and steps and is able to put together a custom folder for importation in accordance with national regulation.
  • Explain the physical stock management process and know related tools according to MSF Good Storage Practices.
  • Select the appropriate reporting system according to operational needs

List of Contents

1.     Supply Operations

2.     Collaborative planning and definition of needs

3.     Procurement

4.     Transport

5.     Customs

6.     Stock Management

7.     Supply Information Systems

All modules are stand alone – we can either start from the beginning or pick up 1  module depending on needs.

How to enrol



To obtain the badge you will need to answer correctly to the last challenge.  

Who is this course for ?

The Introduction to sSupply chain management training is designed for new collaborator in the MSF Supply Chain and non-supply collaborators. It is an introduction to the MSF Supply chain allowing all participant to understand the impact of each step of the supply chain on the operations

Self enrolment (Learner)