Enrolment options

Hand Hygiene in MSF

About the Course

This is a Self paced e-learning on Hand hygiene skills for all staff (medical and non medical) who work in or visit MSF Country Programmes.


This course is open for all MSF staff. Click on Enrol to start the course.


Upon completion of the course, a badge is obtained that recognises the correct completion.

Training Approach

Self Paced e-Learning containing videos 

Target Audience

All staff working or visiting MSF Country Programmes. 


30 minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of these course you should feel able to 

  1. Identify the correct moments for Hand Hygiene   
  2. Recognise common myths and misinformation about Hand Hygiene and act to prevent them 
  3. Describe three exceptions when Alcohol Handrub is not recommended  
  4. Value why hand hygiene is a critical component of preventing the spread of germs and infection 

List of Contents

  • Foundation module PLUS 
  • (2) Hand Hygiene for staff doing clinical procedures 
  • (3) Hand Hygiene for non-clinical staff

Self enrolment (Learner)