Enrolment options

Logistics Technical Training (LTT)

About the Course

The LTT is a face-to-face course aimed at increasing the technical and transversal knowledge and skills in MSF logistics required at the entry-level managerial polyvalent position for international and locally hired staff.  It is an intersectional course led by OCA (held in English) or OCG. 
It is designed to familiarize the participants with MSF protocols and standard procedures and to provide them with the valuable grounding necessary to implement or maintain logistical activities in a traditional MSF project.

Target Audience

The course is open to logisticians with managerial and technical functions, including  Logistics manager(L9), Technical Activity Manager(L9), Hospital Facilities Manager(L9), or Logistics Team Leader(L11) with six months of field experience in one or more missions (both international and locally hired staff). DURATION: 13 consecutive days with one day off (day 7). Twelve days of actual training in Bordeaux.

Learning Objectives

Applied Security: Explain and apply the logistic component of safety and security risk reduction measures according to MSF policy and standard procedures
Biomed: The participant will be able to Set up and maintain a Biomedical Service (i.e., technical support) according to MSF procedures to ensure that biomedical equipment is fully supported at the Logistics level.
Cold Chain: The participant will be able to assess the passive and active cold chain needs and adequately set up and maintain the cold chain according to MSF procedures, understanding the risks involved and minimizing potential ruptures.
Shelter: "The participant will be able to perform a shelter project cycle (Existing or New, Temporary or semi-permanent structure, Refurbishment) under supervision of their technical referent (LTL or LogCo) following the different steps (preliminary phase, Project study, resources assignment, implementation, termination) knowing their limits to ask for support when Required And recognize the potential Risks (delays, over-budget, poor quality, dealing with security and safety).
Energy: the participant will be able to set up and maintain energy systems according to MSF procedures to ensure that assets, HR, and infrastructures are safe, adapted to the needs, cost-efficient, and fully operational.
GIS: Have basic knowledge of what GIS is; Describe MSF GIS approach and the GIS products and services on offer; Be able to do fundamental analysis of maps and GeoApps and identify their added value for MSF operations; Be able to use a data collection phone app such as OSMand properly; Be able to use MSF Mapper properly; Know the GeoMSF platform and its features
ICT: ICT set up and maintenance by MSF OCA ICT field policies, support to OCA field users. Assessing a given location ICT, the state
Log Mgmt: (1) Explain what logistics is, how logs are organized, and how they fit in an MSF mission; (2) Identify and use relevant management tools for the ongoing management of regular logistics activities; (3) Explain how the equipment is managed in a mission and the role of the log team manager
MFM: the participant will be able to set up, maintain, and evaluate the management of transport and motorized fleet according to MSF procedures and standards to ensure that assets, HR, and infrastructures are safe, adapted to the needs, cost-efficient, and fully operational
Supply Chain: At the end of this module, the participant will be able to measure the impact, in the MSF supply chain, of the decisions and the work performed by the team under their management.
Telecom: Telecom sets up and maintains telecom equipment according to OCA procedures, provides support to OCA field users and assesses a given telecom
WatSan: The participant will be able to perform the first five steps of the water supply project cycle (needs, sources, quality, treatment, storage/distribution)" "At the end of the session, the participant will be able to describe what Sanitation, HCWM & Vector Control means in MSF and will be able to apply basic techniques

List of Contents

Applied Security, Biomed, Cold Chain, Energy, GIS, ICT, Logistics Management, Shelter and Construction, Supply Chain Management, Telecom, MFM, WATSAN


Lectures, practical, interactive, and hands-on exercises.


A Pre and Post-KAS (Knowledge Attitude Skills) assessment will be conducted.  
4 Real-time check-in moments will be done during the training.  
A final course satisfaction evaluation will be done at the end of the course.


If you meet the completion criteria, you will receive a badge upon completing the KAS assessments and a certificate upon completing the face-to-face sessions.


Log Onboarding on Tembo Fluent in English (B2) 6 months in management level position.


Enrolment for this course is by invitation for OCA staff. 

Release and Update

This course sheet was updated last on Dec 1st, 2022, by Chamutal Afek Eitam.  

OC Validation

This course is validated for use by OCA Logistics/Supply staff.

Technical Considerations

Participants should bring their laptops and smartphones for use in several modules. Extra laptops and mobile phones can be provided for those who do not have their own.
Those in between missions cannot access MSF content and SharePoint and will need to borrow an MSF computer with a dummy/preset account to be able to join the exercises. They will need to have the content shared with them via USB after the course.
Rooms should have working internet and video conferencing/camera set up in case one of the participants tests positive for COVID during the week.
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