Logistics e-Briefing

A propos du cours

Explore the basics you need to know about logistics within MSF-CH in this self-study course. If you are a logistician, the study of the full eBriefing is mandatory for you. Priority to fields departure will be given to candidates who completed the whole course.
If you are from a medical or para-medical profession, we ask you to study carefully: the biomed, cold chain and supply modules. Feel free to explore the other logistic topics as well!
For technical questions please contact the site administrator at zenithelp.tembo@barcelona.msf.org. For questions about the content please contact Antoine Joguet at Antoine.Joguet@geneva.msf.org.
Please note that there is currently a technical issue affecting the "Cold Chain" module. As a solution, if you finish the module, but does ot not register as complete you will be able to mark the box as complete manually.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

Explore the basics you need to know about logistics within MSF-CH in this self-study course. If you are a logistician, the study of the full eBriefing is mandatory for you. Priority to fields departure will be given to candidates who completed the whole course.

Liste du contenu

  •  Intro to logistics
  •  Management
  •  Transport
  •  Supply
  •  Construction
  •  Biomedical
  •  Cold Chain
  •  Water, Hygiene & sanitation
  •  Energy


A badge and certificate are available on completion of the course.